To:     Executive Member for Culture, Delivery & Public Protection

14th June 2021



Contribution for Birch Hill Community Centre

Chief Executive


1          Purpose of Report


1.1          To seek approval of a grant of £4,475 for Birch Hill Community Centre


2         Recommendation(s)


2.1       That approval is given for expenditure of £4,475 from S106 contributions on the Birch Hill Community Centre


3          Reasons for Recommendation(s)


3.1       Birch Hill Community Association would like to purchase a video projector, a large video

television screen and a mobile television stand to allow different groups to use the centre.


3.2       They would also like to buy a magnetic whiteboard screen for their committee room, to be used for presentations and act as a screen for any slide projections they have, which would allow them to hire out the room for more activities.


3.3       They would also like to buy a hearing loop for their committee room so that it can be used by people with hearing difficulties.


3.4       They would also like to purchase more chairs and tables to cater for the increase in the number of people using the centre.


3.5       This project will directly support three of the Councils strategic objectives,

·         Communities

Support our network of community centres and libraries

·         Economic resilience

Seek CIL and Section 106 funding for new infrastructure in the borough to support growth

·         Caring for you and your family

Ensure there are opportunities for everyone to enjoy and participate in sports and leisure activities


4          Alternative Options Considered


4.1       None. To not purchase any of the extra equipment would mean that it would be difficult

for Birch Hill Community Association to be able to accommodate the extra demand created by the new housing in the area. 


5          Supporting Information


5.1      The Community centre has several groups that use a projector, which they currently

must hire and it is difficult to see the projections because there is no proper screen, just a white wall. Therefore, they would like to purchase a video projector, a large video tv screen and a mobile tv stand. Buying these items will allow different groups to use the centre and will prevent those groups already at the centre from having to go elsewhere because of a lack of appropriate facilities.


5.2       For the committee room, the community association would like to purchase a magnetic whiteboard screen which would serve for presentations and act as a screen for any slide projections they have. This would allow them to hire out the meeting room for more activities.

5.3       They would like to purchase a hearing loop for the committee room so that it can be used by people with hearing difficulties.

5.4       They would like to purchase more chairs, as their hall has a capacity to take 100 people seated, however, they only have 75 chairs. Therefore, they would like to purchase 31 new padded chairs, to cater for the increase in the number of people using the centre.

5.5       Lastly, the community association would like to purchase 8 extra tables. They need these to cater for more people and they will be smaller than the ones they already have so that they are easier for the groups with older people to handle. They have had some complaints from these groups who say they can't handle the very long tables as they are too heavy to lift and move around.

5.6         The S106 contributions to fund these improvements come from social and community facilities contributions in the Hanworth ward, namely YN534 Land adj Birch Hill Medical Centre (12/00492) contribution of £4,475.

6          Consultation and Other Considerations


Legal Advice


6.1       The allocation of funding proposed in this report complies with the requirements of the s106 agreement.

            The approval of the recommendation in the report falls within the decision making remit of officers in consultation with the Executive member pursuant to the Bracknell Forest Council Constitution March 2021 Part 2, section 6 paragraph 6.2 (a)( vi).


            Financial Advice


6.2       The spend of £4,475 proposed in this report meets, in terms of purpose, with the

conditions set down in the relevant S106 agreement and the amount requested is available from within the funds received in respect of that agreement


            Other Consultation Responses


6.3         The Birch Hill Community Association support the project, as do the ward members for     the Hanworth ward who have been consulted by the Executive Member for Culture,

Delivery and Public Protection.


            Equalities Impact Assessment


6.4         Not applicable


            Strategic Risk Management Issues


6.5         Not applicable



Contact for further information

Lesley Doyle, Chief Executive’s Office - 01344 352218